14 years ago our nation realized what evil could do. Have we forgotten?


So, last week we did the END TIMES ALPHABET and I was surprised at some of the responses I received.
Pleasantly so.
One person suggested we redo the alphabet, plugging in more of the Biblical terminology available.
I thought that was a great idea so I challenged him and other readers to do just that.
Heck…I might even do that sometime.
That wasn’t the idea of last week.
Last week was to make a case of the fact that we are hurtling at warp speed into a world scenario that the Bible predicted centuries ago (this is where the desert wind sound effects should be coming out of your speakers).
For those of us all who have a basic grasp (and belief) of Biblical Prophesy, the writing is on the wall (which that term, by the way, comes from the Bible, the book of Daniel, in fact).
Now that…

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CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA: The coming war…do we fight or just die?

Wanred to repost this as I spent a summer of once a month sermons on this very topic. The war may be coming but Jesus is coming for sure! Who have you told about Jesus this past week???


Does anyone even watch what is going on in the world anymore? How about what is going on in your own country? There is an attempt at changing the social climate here that most folks are oblivious to and for the life of me, I just can’t figure it out!
I don’t care what anybody says…This Country Was Founded On The Truths Of The Bible.
Does that mean that every person in our country is a Christian?
The answer to that is a resounding NO!
It simply meant that our glorious nation’s ideals and laws were based on the freedom of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who is the Author of freedom.
There is turmoil and hatred running rampant in America and we can’t blame just the outsiders for that.
People are disenchanted…

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HAWAII 2014B 024
So, we’ve talked about bad reviews….
let’s talk about good ones.
Good reviews make us smile, make us want to continue in our writing quest.
Bad reviews…..
Actually should do the same.
Good reviews point people to our writing, our style, our thoughts…
Our heart.
Bad reviews….
Do just as well at pointing people to our art, our prose, our humor, our faults…
My question today is posed upon the basis of what/who is more important to us.
It is really posed upon who is most important…
to me.
Ego trip warning here???
No. Hear me out.
You see, I cannot write about your deepest needs, wants, desires.
But I can write about mine.
My deepest longing is to accomplish that for which I have been designed, assigned, designated, and allowed to do while here on this planet that sets in the outer Orion arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.

My deepest want as a human being is to connect with others in a way that transcends culture, language, color.
And that is a direct result from….
My deepest need.
In fact, the deepest need that I have is the very same need every human needs.
And THAT is what unites humanity together…
not just now…
but those of ages past, the present age, and any remaining ages to come.
OOPs, sorry…done preaching here….
So, let’s get back to those good reviews…
The ones that make us smile, shout ‘YIPPEE”, and generally dance around our house like a happy T-Rex that has just discovered chocolate-dipped Bronto-burgers.
You know I’m telling it straight up; we rejoice when someone likes our work.
But, can we talk here…..
We are ultimately the ones who need to like our work. To be satisfied with a finished poem/story/novel/song.
We have been created in the image of our Creator to create.
To create buildings, bridges, art,
cars and TVs that are smart
that’s what some of us do.
But to paint with words….
Ah, that is a form of art that knows no bounds.
So, again…..
when you realize the power of your (i) pen
What does it matter whether someone likes or does not like what you write as long as you know you are fulfilling your destiny (Insert a Darth Vader deep breath after you say DESTINY).
Keep writing.
It is your DES TINY (haaaaw)

Posted in Chri-Fi, Christian Science Fiction, Hill of Great Darkness, painting with words, reviews, Self Publishing, Uncategorized, writing, Writing Insights | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA: The coming war…do we fight or just die?

Does anyone even watch what is going on in the world anymore? How about what is going on in your own country? There is an attempt at changing the social climate here that most folks are oblivious to and for the life of me, I just can’t figure it out!
I don’t care what anybody says…This Country Was Founded On The Truths Of The Bible.
Does that mean that every person in our country is a Christian?
The answer to that is a resounding NO!
It simply meant that our glorious nation’s ideals and laws were based on the freedom of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who is the Author of freedom.
There is turmoil and hatred running rampant in America and we can’t blame just the outsiders for that.
People are disenchanted in our country (perhaps they were never taught the truth of our freedom)……
Our schools need to be allowed once again to be schools and not babysitting institutions….
Our legal system needs to be upheld at EVERY level…………..
Our government is supposed to be accountable TO the people, not the other way around……
And to add into the mix, we have a new generation that has no respect for law and order.
This is paving the way for our very own destruction from within.
Violent crime is rampant, feeding on those who simply want to live the American dream…
And Islam is moving in (actually it’s already here), feeding on those who prefer to use violence as a means to an end.
What is that end?
It is time for Americans to wake up to what is going on around us.
It is time for American Christians to awaken and act.
You see, we as Christians are often thought of as the weak, the afraid, the passive.
It has long been established that the majority of the signers of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDANCE were CHRISTIANS.
founding fathers
They weren’t afraid to fight for their God-given rights.
And neither should we be afraid to take up the cause when confronted by evil.
It’s not about “thou shalt not kill” or “turn the other cheek”…it’s about defending our HOMELAND, our FAMILIES, our IDEALS AS AMERICANS.
It is not about ISLAMOPHOBIA…
It is about AMERICA.
Listen, my friends: I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. A Christian. An AMERICAN CHRISTIAN.
The only real power that terrorists have is to strike fear into people.
They never expect anyone to stand against them.
We better start standing against the evil in our land.
Someone once said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
It is time for the Church in America to wake up and smell the roses before it is too late and we are hunted down like animals.
I just felt the need to put that in there…..anyway…..
We need to be ready…
Those who wish to do evil to our America need to see that, in the words of Japan’s Emporer Hirohito, they are about to “…awaken a sleeping giant.”
The church needs to be what Jesus told us to be. A light. His light.
If we would start doing what we are supposed to be doing (instead of PLAYING church on Sundays), this coming battle COULD BE AVERTED!
If not, I have this one last thing to say…
“I will not go quietly into the night!”
I love this nation and I will not let it go without a fight.

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My first foray into the publishing scene has finally had its first bump………..
Yeah, you guessed it…….
I got a bad review of HILL OF GREAT DARKNESS!!!
Now, I don’t know about you all, but……..
I am loving every minute of it.
Yeah, I know…I’m just a little to the upside of insane
Translated that means positively crazy!
But, hey….after all…..
Not only am I a writer……………….
I am also a musician, public speaker, and a mover of mass amounts of chocolate; ONE BILLION pounds of it last year.
All that being said, one of my favorite things to do is to create.
I think I get that from my Father……
I mean, really…………………….
Here I am–a writer–a writer of Christian-based science fiction (Chri-fi), with my first book published.
Let’s take a look at what that means.
When I am old, wheezing out green slimy stuff from my nose and mouth, wondering if I will see tomorrow….
“What if…”
What if I would have at least TRIED to put into written words the thoughts of a future time/place….(literally…my first manuscript for HOGD was over four hundred HAND WRITTEN pages long…no computer…interject “sigh” here).
What if I had a dream to fulfill by being published? Self published at that…meaning I was willing to invest in myself…
What if I succeeded?
What if I had failed?
So, back to the “bad review”.
As far as I am concerned, there is no such thing as a bad review.
I mean, come on now, another human being has read what I had labored over for six years and didn’t like it.
Cool. I will take away from his/her opinion and learn something from it.
Doesn’t matter if I disagree…………………..
In fact, it doesn’t even matter if I agree….
And to add more depth here, let’s look at this;
For an unknown author I now have twenty-two reviews at Amazon and two or three at Barnes and Noble.
Of the ones at Amazon…
Nineteen are five-star reviews………..
Two are four star reviews………………..
One is a two-star review………………….
I’ve been looking at other unknowns and have found many listed for over ten years and have one or two reviews.
I consider myself blessed…
Not better, just blessed.
So, while I look at other writers lamenting over that ‘bad review’,
I just kick back and keep on writing,
smiling all the while knowing I am doing what I enjoy doing.
Will it sell?
Doesn’t matter!
I’m living the dream…besides,
you never know what tomorrow will bring.
And my Daddy is in charge of all my tomorrows…..
writing 4
Bottom line: if you want to be a writer, you have to write………
no matter what anyone else says.
Write on!

The adventure of a thousand lifetimes begins...

The adventure of a thousand lifetimes begins…

Posted in Chri-Fi, Christian Science Fiction, painting with words, Science fiction, Self Publishing, Uncategorized, writing, Writing Insights | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment


Last week we spoke of HILL OF GREAT DARKNESS and the use of history in a work of fiction.
Nothing really new there.
I simply used an area of the world with which I was familiar and wove a science fiction storyline from the disappearance of an entire civilization.
Been done before…many times…
Ever hear of Atlantis?
Anyhow, this week we are going to look at the history behind the story that I am currently working on.
A place many people have never heard of.
An event from the past century that has never truly been explained away.
I am talking about the TUNGUSKA EVENT OF 1908.
Now for all you folks who have never heard of this (yeah, you know….those of you who have never watched The Xfiles), this was an event of epic proportions.
In the wilds of Siberia on the morning of June 30th, 1908 an explosion occurred in the air above the Tunguska region that had the explosive power of one thousand times more than Hiroshima.
Leveling the forest for about eight hundred square miles, the explosion was heard–and felt–at Vanavera,…a city forty miles away.
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One story tells of a train that was knocked off its tracks…………….
The shock wave of the blast was equal to a 5.0 on the Richter Scale……….
For two days after the blast, twilight lingered until dawn and there was no real darkness.tuntree 2
In fact, London reported what they called ‘Dawn at midnight” enveloping the city for several days.
And then there is Lake Cheko…………….
A lake that is approximately five miles to the north-northwest of the epicenter.
A lake that local folks swore was not there before that fateful morning.
Now, that’s all the history I am giving out today.
But it plays a major role as we wrap up the adventure of a thousand lifetimes.
Hill of Great Darkness part II: SHADOW OF TUNGUSKA is in its editing phase and I am hoping for a late spring/early summer release.
I was also hoping for an early fall 2014 release but that didn’t happen either!
The story really is like nothing you have ever read.
And it is based on history.
Twisted history–yes–but history non the less.

Posted in Black Holes, Chri-Fi, Christian Science Fiction, Hill of Great Darkness, Science fiction, Tunguska, Uncategorized, writing, Writing Insights | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Love, American Style?

single rose
Anybody and everybody knows that today is Valentines Day. And, if by chance you have forgotten, this is your wake up call.
Take the time to tell those you love that you really do love them!
Not for the cars they drive……………………..
Not for the house they have………………………….
Not for the size of their bank account…………………….
But for the fact that they are the most special person on the planet.
No one else comes close………………………………….
No one else means as much……………………………
No one else matters…………………………….
Like they do.
Valentine B 003
And while you’re at it…………………
Be creative!
After all: we were designed by a Creator to be creative!
To love completely……………………
So, take this day to do just that……………….
And, by the way………………………………………..
Don’t just do it today…………………………
Do it everyday………………………

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For me, one of the easiest ways to hook a reader into the story is to use a touch of truth in the mix. History is replete with story fodder and just begs to be used.
That was the way Mr. Dan Brown created an incredibly readable novel a few years back with The Da Vinci Code. He took historical realities and twisted them into a fictional account of the past and then brings it into the present.
While I was mesmerized by TDVC, I knew enough about the events he used to see the twists and turns he created to make the story work.
There be a whole lotta fiction in his history…a whole lotta twistin’ goin’ on….
That’s what worked for the man!
And that, my friends, is exactly the way I constructed the first novel in my two-part storyline of harnessing the power of a black hole.
Say what???
Hold on to your seats and we will take a brief tour of the history behind Hill Of Great Darkness as well as look at what is in store for the final installment that wraps up the government cover-up–X-Files type–ending to the storyline.
You see, in the middle of America–just a few miles away from downtown St. Louis, Missouri–there sits a place of mystery:
Cahokia Mounds Historical Site.
A place of ancient, hand-built, earthen mounds whose beginnings go back well over a thousand years and, depending on what historical account you read, had a population–and geographical size–that was surpassed only by largest city on the planet during the peak of the Mississippian Cunture’s existance…Paris, France.
The center point of the culture was a massive dirt mound that reaches one hundred feet into the sky and covers about eleven acres at its base.MOUNDS 6.13.12 292
The interesting thing about this culture is that it simply disappeared somewhere in the early fourteenth century, leaving behind no known written language.
St. Louis itself is built upon dozens of smaller mounds that were razed as the city was built up around the eighteenth century.
Talk about story fodder!!!
But, that is simply not enough…
Time to add in a new type of space craft built entirely with private funding (um…this was way before I had heard of SpaceX…really, honest!), with the goal of reaching the half-way point to Mars in a five-second test firing of a radically different kind of engine drive system based on the properties of gravitational dynamics.
Welcome to 2037!
Still have cars………………..
the good old U.S.A………………………
terrorist organizations………………
good guys and bad guys.
And, if that’s not enough…
That five-second test firing of those new engines does not get our adventurers half-way to Mars.
It takes them just about nine hundred million miles away from our sun….
all the way to the rings of Saturn.
And it’s all because of what lies hidden beneath an ancient Indian Mound.

So……come back next week and see the twisting of history used to create the final installment, the end of the saga…
the adventure of a thousand lifetimes
the end of an age.
We’re going from one mile beneath an ancient mound to the desolation of the Siberean wilderness in search of all the answers to the questions…….

Posted in Black Holes, Chri-Fi, Christian Science Fiction, Hill of Great Darkness, Science fiction, SETI, Uncategorized, writing, Writing Insights | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Are You My Friend?

friend 1
A friend is a friend and that much is true.
A friend is a friend even when you’re feeling blue.
And when you are down, they’re always around
so that’s how you tell when they’re true.
You won’t find a friend in a tree or on twitter
but you might find a bird if it doesn’t go flitter
You can find a friend when you walk along the way
when you walk and you walk and you walk all the day.
But when it gets dark and the storms all surround
you’re happy for the friend who always sticks around.
There are times when our friends are not friends at all
they are just faces on pages and names upon walls.
We may hope that they like us and wait to confirm
time again, time again…we just never learn.
We see what they say
and they say what they will
we look at their words and we feel a cold chill.
they were never a friend, and they’re not one still.
To unfriend a friend means, that they never were
a friend we could count one, a real friend for sure.
a friend that smiles when they know we are near
a friend that laughs and to our heart brings cheer
is a friend to a friend when a friend is indeed needed
someone who is trusted and loved and never has cheated
A friend when you’re blue
a friend when you’re grey
a friend in the night
and a friend all the day.
A friend close to your heart
is a friend that will stay.
Now one more thing to say about friends
the ones you find along the way
Above all these
there’s a Friend that sticks closer than a brother.
or a sister or mother.
freind 2

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Like Father, Like Son…TRUE HEROES

father and son 1
Over one hundred years of world-wide preaching is summed up in the following four names…………………….d l moody
D.L. Moody
Billy Sunday
Billy Graham
Franklin Graham.
billy sunday
Now, for as long as I can remember the name Billy Graham has been synonymous with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Pictures of Dr. Graham flood my mind from a bygone era of evangelism that held the world captivated by the simple message of God’s love for mankind and the free gift of eternal life in Jesus.
There was once a day when all Billy needed to do was hold up the Bible and say, “God’s word says….”
Those days are gone.
That simple style is gone but certainly not forgotten.billy 2
How many millions of people have been set free from the bondage of sin and death by Billy Graham preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ? To me it is unimaginable.
But not to God.
He is doing it again through Billy’s son, Franklin.franklin 3
But…the world is a much different place now.
For the most part, Franklin Graham has been known by the work he does every Christmas with shoeboxes.
Operation Christmas Child has reached over one hundred million children world-wide with packed shoeboxes filled with toys and clothes………………………………………………………………………………………….
and love.
The love of a stranger.
And the love of God.
But, like his father before him, Franklin is not afraid to speak truth.magazine 1
Last week the son of one of the most well-known gospel preachers of all time came into his own in a gutsy, and yet loving and humble way.
He told the world the truth about Islam.
AND…he told the truth about Jesus Christ, the only Son of the One, True, Living God.
Funny, with all the news about fundamental Islam and it’s reign of terror across the globe…you would think the world would already know the truth.
Sad thing is, most are not listening.
But they will. Sadly enough when it is too late.
While Franklin told about the evils of fundamental Islam, he also told the truth about the fact that Muslims are not our enemy.
Satan is.
And he is blinding a whole lot of people.
But not quite everyone.
father and son 2
I praise God for people like Billy and Franklin Graham who love God enough to tell the truth, no matter the cost.
The world still needs to hear about Jesus.
We’re tired of hearing about Islam and its lies.
About its death and destruction, slavery, and overwhelming evil.
Wake up and smell the carnage. See the Destroyer as he is.
Turn away from him.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
See the Maker of all,
The Creator of the Universe.
Take a moment and read one verse from the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Written almost two thousand years ago and speaking of the time of the end.
Read Revelation 20:4 and think to yourself who are the ones doing the beheadings.
God bless y’all.
Ask Jesus to save you from sin while you still have life in your body…
And a head on your shoulders.
After that, it’s too late.
We have been warned.
It’s coming over here to America.
Are you ready?

Posted in America, Bible, Christianity, Church, End Times, Evangelizing, Islam, Jesus, Prophesy, religion | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment